Wooden puzzles for cats that promote mental and physical activity and raise money for animal welfare.

A “pandemic-project” and experiment Fiona and I started in 2020 as a fun way to repurpose material that would otherwise have gone to waste — wood veneer offcuts from our other business, Fondfolio where we make collaborative memory books.

This is not a money-making venture, and has been mostly unsuccessful to be honest. However, we donate 10% of each sale to animal welfare initiatives and give to a combination of local cat-based charities, such as the Toronto Cat Rescue (where we adopted our cat Minou), and the Effective Altruism Animal Welfare Fund.

This project allowed me to explore the limitations of Liquid templating inside of Shopify and identify where more modern tools, such as React, were necessary to enhance functionality and performance. This hands-on experience was instrumental in shaping my work on Hydrogen, where I applied these insights to create a more robust, flexible and full-framework solution for our custom Shopify stores.

  • Full product image of the pawzzle.
  • Postcards to promote the product.

    I created a set of hand-drawn cat illustraions and Fiona digitally retraced and colorized them.

  • Close up of the pawzzles logo and toy.
  • Matt and Fiona with their cat Minou, with Pawzzles stacked around them.

    Our first apartment in Berlin, where Fiona started working on Pawzzles with our dearly-departed cat Minou.